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Certified Personal Trainer & Fitness Instructor

Hi, I'm Kema and at one point in my life USED to be 300 pounds. My entire weight loss journey has been nothing but a testimony and I am forever thankful & grateful for it all. I exceeded all of my of health & fitness goals & now God has called on me to help others. I'm a true believer in serving my community, the only difference is this is my passion, my life-line and my mission is to inspire, encourage, educate and transform YOU into the healthiest version of yourself. And together we CAN do it!


Coming from a family that was able to put food on the table, not knowing the negative effects that it had on the body, a lot of it had no nutritional value.

Although I'm fortunate to come from such a loving, caring and providing family, the food that I ate and was accustomed to caused me to be unhealthy and could have caused me to face many health problems if I would have carried on then one day I got tired, tired of feeling tired, sluggish, tired of not being able to wear what I really wanted to wear, and overall tired of looking at myself in the mirror constantly gaining weight and on that very same day I woke up.


I woke up meaning I started to educate myself more about the foods that I was eating and what it was doing to my body and from that moment my life changed drastically for the better. I began to apply what I had learned and each year became healthier & more and more addicted to exercising and feeding my body what it really needed. Now I live a healthier and happier lifestyle and let me tell you it FEELS SO GOOD, feels like I'm aging backwards! Did I already say I'm addicted?


For 14 years and counting I've been able to maintain my weight & from the hard work that I put in each year I continuously transform into better version of me! Every new  year I look better than the last! I invite you to embark on this lifelong journey with me, no matter where you are right now, I can get you where you want to be! Remember I came from 300 pounds! If I can do it so can you as my ultimate goal is to help you transform you into the most healthiest version of yourself!

I know the formula and  have the entire recipe that include a whole lot of ingredients that is guaranteed to get you where you want to be! I look forward to helping you exceed all of your health & fitness goal and together WE can get you there! Sign up and book your session today!

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