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Introducing Kema the Blogger!

Updated: Apr 23

Welcome to Kema's Bangin Body Bootkamp BLOG!

Hello World! I'm Kema, Kema the Certified Fitness Trainer, Kema the I.T. Geek, Kema the Kustomizer, Kema the Videographer and now Kema the Blogger! Can we say Jackie of all trades! LOL! The reason I started a blog is because I have a wealth of knowledge that I want to share with you all about health & wellness that stemmed from my passion and devotion of living a healthy lifestyle! I was once 300 pounds! I also started this blog because I love writing, thanks to my Bachelors and Masters program that had me writing 30 page papers, I can honestly say it turned me into a GREAT writer! I got an "A" on ALL my writing assignments!

We can agree that Knowledge is POWER, the more you know the more you GROW and you'll do just that reading my blogs because you will be educated in soooOOO many ways about the importance of health, fitness & wellness after all HEALTH is the real WEALTH!

I will keep you informed about the latest health trends,educate you on the various topics about living a healthy lifestyle, and the importance of taking care of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally from every aspect that will keep you motivated, encouraged, and empowered because I believe it can be done by ALL by all so please keep reading!

I will also be launching a new communications channel in June! Stay tuned for my next blog to find out what it is, for now I will say that I am very excited about it! To say the least I will be spilling some tea about ME! I am a woman who lives out her truth in order to help others and God chose me for this position that I couldn't be more grateful for! Spreading love & helping others is really what its all about!

On another note check out Virtual Bangin Body Bootkamp, from the convenience of working out from home, wearing what you want, not having to leave the house, to being able to walk less than 100 feet to go hop right in the shower & get something to eat after you're done, the luxury of obtaining and maintaining a healthy fit bangin body from the comfort of your own home gets NO BETTER or more CONVENIENT than that! Come check me out ladies!

Needless to say me blogging is just another way of me extending myself to help you transform into the healthiest version of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally, educate you about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle, and keeping you informed on the latest health trends that are detrimental to your health! At the end of the day the goal is to age gracefully and to PRESERVE GREAT HEALTH!

Now I have a question for you, what 3 things you should be doing for your health but aren't? What have the consequences of your choices been so far? Feel free to leave a comment and let me know. Thanks for reading!

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