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Is Stress Causing Your Weight Gain?

Updated: Apr 23

With inflation steadily on the rise combined with having to fulfill the daily duties of a household, running a business, meeting project deadlines for your job, and being a parent, it doesn't help noticing in the midst of it all that your clothes no longer fit right which begs the question: Is stress causing you to gain weight?

Yes, in fact whenever you are stressed, your body goes into "fight or flight" mode which is the body's natural response to stress. It then releases the hormone to do either in order to deal with the threat and in return releases sugar or glucose into your bloodstream to build up energy. Once your blood sugar levels drop, and the adrenaline wears off, it then releases the cortisol hormone to continue tackling the threat and providing you with more energy.

Having high cortisol levels causes weight gain, acne, and fatigue. Cortisol makes you hungry and slows down your metabolism at the same time. The levels of cortisol rises during these tension-filled times and in return causes you to overeat and go after "comfort foods" instead. Due to the increased levels of the cortisol hormone, and it causing higher insulin levels, your sugar levels drop and you crave "sugary" and "fatty foods".

How Can You Loose Stress-Related Weight Gain?

Luckily, there are ways to loose stress-related weight gain. Here are some ways you can prevent stress-related weight gain and reverse any pounds you've gained from stress:

  1. Pray. The Bible addresses fear, worry,and anxiety which are all symptoms of stress. The Apostle Paul said boldly in his ministry in Philippians 4:6-7 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Activate your faith & let God take care of it.

  2. Exercise. There are a ton of benefits of exercising and one of them is increasing your endorphin(feel good hormone) levels which and fight off pain and stress. When you exercise, you're expending energy that can burn off calories and improving your cardiovascular health. Our body requires 150 to 300 minutes of exercise a week as exercise is the ultimate medicine for our body. Kema's Bangin Body Bootkamp has a great & affordable exercise program that will help you transform into the healthiest version of yourself and stay consistent. It also offers virtual fitness training options for your convenience.

  3. Cook Healthier Versions of Your Comfort Foods. The good thing is there are great healthy alternatives of the comfort foods you crave when you're stressed. Kema's Bangin Body Bootkamp has a meal plan and nutrition guide that doesn't deprive you of your favorite foods which in fact you'll definitely want whenever you are stressed. Instead, you'll be able to make similar choices but in healthier versions of the comfort foods you love. A win-win situation.

  4. Keep a Food Journal. Having a food journal is one the best forms of accountability. You can keep track of the foods you eat simply by using an app, an actual journal or notebook, or whatever it takes to help you keep track of the foods you eat. When you visually see what you eat it makes it easier for you to eat healthier in order to meet your health and fitness goals and helps improve your eating habits.

The Bottom Line

The release of hormones caused by stress can cause you to gain weight by causing you to crave sugary and fatty foods that leads to weight gain. The key to avoiding and addressing weight gain from stress is to practice stress-reducing activities and self- care such as exercising and making healthier food choices as both are key for maintaining your mental and physical health.

Kema King is a Certified Trainer & Group Fitness Instructor that helps women transform into the healthiest version of themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally. Sign up for a free phone consultation to discuss your health and fitness goals with the help of a licensed and insured professional.

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